"Less Handicap" for people with disabilities with Ethical banking

Knowing for what. More quality of life.

Saving and finance line: Less Handicap

The Bozner social association HandiCar” was founded by people with a handicap, who wanted to share their experiences with other handicapped people, in order for them to benefit from these experiences. The mission of “HandiCar” is to relieve the life of people with a handicap. They are producing technical salvage all around mobility, as well as improving the interpersonal relationships between: the person concerned, relatives and fellow human beings.

Improving the mobility

Through the Ethical Banking economizers, aiding people with a Handicap can be extended and their financial situation can be secured. The collected economizers are given to the social association, so that we can pre-finance different kinds of services or so that they can buy different kinds of handicapped accessible equipment. By investing money in this cause, you can improve people’s lives.

We were able to collect savings over 1.3 million € (30.06.2021) for Less Handicap. With the economizers, we are financing the services of this social association, as well as the investment credits for people with a handicap at the moment. We are financing these to an interest loan of 0,629%.
Knowing for what. More justice.

Knowing for what. More quality of life.


Our partner organizations are:


Lebenshilfe Onlus
Arche im Kvw


New partner: Lebenshilfe Onlus More Partner organizations: “Lebenshilfe Onlus”
Another partner organization in the area of “Less Handicap” is the Lebenshilfe onlus . The Lebenshilfe onlus is an organization, which gives the support credits to directly affected people with disbilities in South Tyrol.
The requirements for the permission of a loan are exactly defined. First of all, only people can claim the permission, which have physical, sensory, autistic, cognitive, or more handicaps. Second of all, the purchase has to be connected to the handicap in some way.
The maximum amount of the loan is 15.000 € and the maximum validity period is 10 years.

Any interested person with a handicap can address himself to the “Lebenshilfe” (Dietmar Dissertori, 0471 062525, perspektive@lebenshilfe.it), in order to have a conversation about the intended use of the credit. The “Lebenshilfe” then sends a letter of recommendation to Ethical Banking, where it is then closely checked. The credit receiver and the customer consultant, of the Raiffeisen bank closest to his customer, then establish a credit application.

>>> Click here to see exactly where and whom your money helps

New project partners with the “Arche im Kvw”

Since april 2015 we have the partner “Arche im Kvw”, in the area of “Less Handicap”. The “Arche im Kvw” is an organization, which gives seniors support credits, so that they can build barriers in their domestic environment.
The approach to the support credit is very unbureaucratic: The person concerned turns to Ethical Banking or the “Arche im Kvw”. A detailed counseling about the planed project finds place. After that the expert of the “Arche im Kvw” (Mr. Öhrig) sends a letter of recommendation to Ethical Banking. This is checked by us and if it gets a positive judgment, it is sent to one of our 23 Raiffeisen partner banks. The local customer consultant and the credit receiver then establish a credit application together.
Introduction of the project
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